OMPA’s Commitment to Good Award

Outside the Frame’s Executive Director Nili Yosha was awarded Oregon Media Production Association's (OMPA) Commitment to Good Award in 2022, which recognizes a proven commitment to diversity, sustainability, and/or safety in their work.

We share this award with all of our supporters - Here’s looking at you, kid.

"Many of us here were living on the streets and now we make films. And we work at OTF as instructors, mentoring youth who are in the same positions we were once in," Jolly Wrapper, one of many program alums working at Outside the Frame this year as peer mentors, workshop instructors, film directors, program coordinators and managers.

We are lucky to be spending our time doing good while having a blast. We are grateful to everyone that supports us in this very important work.

To view the entire Oregon Media Production Association 2022 showcase, click here.


Youth Take the World Stage!